Friday, July 9, 2010

Would I want it any other way?

Hello, world! Okay, so that was a little bit too enthusiastic for what I'm about to discuss on this blog. Don't get me wrong - I'm more than excited about talking about my little bitty hometown of Astoria, Oregon that has been put on the map by the stupidest little claims to fame and other bits of rhetoric. Throughout my entire life I've looked at living in this small coastal town as a curse that has overshadowed my life (I'll go into detail more about that later when the moment presents itself).

I was chatting with an old high school friend this morning and when I say 'old high school friend' I mean that both of us have been out of Astoria High for only two years so we're pretty sure we know how the world works since we know how to order coffee in a cafe. Anyway, when we get together, we have a blast talking about the issues in our homwtown that either elate us with joy or depress us about where we grew up. We grabbed a small round table and two brown chairs and hovered over our coffee like it was a crystal ball giving us ideas of inside jokes, stories, and gossip from the other side of our lives - the coastal side.

Trying to pull himself out of a laughing fit after I told him of someone in our community touching my 'good hair' to see if it were real, he said, "You should write a blog about all of this rediculous crap that goes on!" Just like that, this blog was born. As soon as he brought this up, I started to run my fingers through my non-nappy African American hair and began thinking and knew this would be success. However, I know this is a bold statement, but here are my thoughts on that: If what community members do and say is so atrociously uncanny and actually hilarious in the eyes of myself and my fellow coffee-mate, then this stuff just has to be to some other people, right? Let me answer that for you - I'm not sure either, but I'll just let my fingers do the talking and see what happens.